Chaos has a name: Import Reactor Drift 2010 coverage

Wow. What. A. Weekend.

The week started with Smoky Nagata from Top Secret Japan tuning Nissans from Monday all the way through wednesday late night, and it closed with Import Reactor Unlimited and Anime Matsuri. But before the official and epic weekend got started, Import Reactor Drift was to be the opening ceremonies to Import Reactor Unlimited.

Russell Walkers purple stuff S13 ripping up the track. KP.

Russell Walker's purple stuff S13 ripping up the track. KP.

I.R. Drift Driver Profile: Joshua Steele, Hooters Drift

Yet another drifter hailing from Houston, Texas is Joshua Steele. Josh, who does not suffer from any type of mental disorders plans to bring his madness to the table for Import Reactor Drift. You always know when Mr. Steele is on the way to a drift event because he hauls about town in a monster Excursion pulling his drift car in style. Josh too has the drive to podium at I.R. Drift 2010, and he says he is bringing the big guns!

Name: Joshua Steele AKA “Mr. Nevrslo”
Height: 5ft 11in
Weight: 170
Blood Type: Medium Spicy
Preference in Women: Everything about Jenna!!! (His girlfriend not the porn star!)

Used to work at Hooters.

Used to work at Hooters.

I.R. Drift Driver Profile: Will Parsons, Silent Green

Hailing from Houston, Will Parsons is looking to bring some old school JDM flavor to the table with his turbo AE86 Hatchback. You might have seen Will around at local events sliding around in this turbo beast in the past because he has been driving the Texas circuit for a few years now as well as the D1GP series here in North America. Recently painted a fresh “Electric Money Green”, Will plans to steal some attention while battling for the win at I.R. Drift.

Name: Will Parsons
Age: 25
Height: 6ft 2in
Weight: 195
Blood type: a-
Women Preference: All about the eyes

Strike a Pose

Strike a Pose

Event Coverage: NST 5th Anniversary Drift Competition & Car Show Part 2.

They say a picture says a thousand words, and if that’s true, we have a ton of things to say in this second installment of our coverage of the Drift and Show competition held at Gulf Greyhound Park in LaMarque, TX.

Whos got dat ass covered?? MAYDAYGARAGE!

Who's got dat ass covered?? MAYDAYGARAGE!

Let’s get to it.

Event Coverage: N.S.T. 5th Anniversary Drift Competition & Car Show Part 1.

This past sunday, the good folks over at NonStopTuning, a.k.a. NST, celebrated their illustrious 5 year anniversary in La Marque, TX with over one thousand close friends and family! While some businesses celebrate with cheaply made cake and cheesy party hats, NST took it a few steps further by holding a drift competition and car show held at Gulf Greyhound Park just south of Houston. Despite the bitter forty degree weather, that didn’t seem to stop the hundreds of spectators from (as JohnP so eloquently put it) getting their drift fix. Luckily, there wasn’t any disappointment from the drifters as they put on their multiple layers of clothing and kept their heads warm in their helmets.

An LS1 powered S13? Yes.
An LS1 powered S13? Yes.

Getting Down to Business: Jonas’ Toyota Corolla AE86

Mondays. Oh how I despise mondays. Mondays to me mean two things: 1. it’s gonna be another 5 days before the weekend, and 2. it’s time to put on my game face for work and get down to business. For others, mondays may mean something else, and I’m not sure what mondays mean for Jonas, the owner of this particular AE86, but I’ll tell you one thing, he knows what business is, and this corolla is screaming it.

Even at a standstill, this AE86 begs to be driven.

Even at a standstill, this AE86 begs to be driven.