Lone Star Bash 2010: A Host’s Perspective.

“May 16, 2010 marked the date of the second Lone Star Bash. LSB as we will refer to it is an idea more than anything. Basically by labeling an event such as this, everyone knows exactly what event they need to ALL come out to, all at once. LSB is a date to bring everyone together. There are no draws like prize money, naked import models, trophies, cotton ball smoke on top of mirrors, or any of that. The draw is hanging out with awesome people that think alike, tandeming 10 cars deep with 100 mph entries, partying the night before, and being a part of something big. While the car show scene has died out in the last few years, leaving the giants HIN and NOPI dead, the drift scene has exploded. And yet it has stayed very grass roots at the same time.